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Crop Rotation Survey

Crop Rotation Survey 1

The Crop Rotation Survey

The Crop Rotation Survey, conducted through the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan, benchmarks the changes and advancements made in crop production over the past 30 years. The purpose of this project is to evaluate farmers’ progress towards sustainable on-farm practices. The data will be used to inform governments and the public about the improvements in crop production sustainability.

The Crop Rotation Survey, initially launched in 2020, collects information on all aspects of farmers’ production, from seeding, fertilizer, tillage, and chemical application to harvest. In 2020, we collected responses from the periods of both 1991-1994 and 2016-2019. 

Now, we are once again asking Prairie farmers to participate in the Crop Rotation Survey. Responses will be collected from the periods of 2004-2006 and 2020-2024. Although we will be collecting information from both of these time periods, farmers do not need to have been farming in both periods to participate. Participants who fully complete all sections of the Crop Rotation Survey will receive up to $200 in compensation. 

You can register for the survey by clicking the button below.

More Information

Participation in the Crop Rotation Survey helps give farmers a voice when it comes to GHG emissions, carbon sequestration, and land and soil stewardship. Farmers are continuously adopting innovative and sustainable practices to improve the environmental footprint of Prairie agriculture.

The adoption of many of these sustainable practices have taken place in the absence of government involvement or mandate, yet agricultural and environmental policies often do not seem to account for their contributions. Participation in the survey will help to shape policy in a way that recognizes the steps taken by Canadian farmers towards improved environmental sustainability.

To register for online participation, please click here. For more information on the Crop Rotation Surveys, please reach out to one of the following researchers from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics:

Stuart Smyth, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Research Chair in Agri-Food Innovations

Chelsea Sutherland, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Savannah Gleim, M.Sc.

Research Officer


Previous Research

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