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Claire Williams

Research Assistant

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
College of Agriculture and Bioresources
University of Saskatchewan

Claire Williams

I have always loved agriculture. I grew up on Vancouver Island obsessed with sustainability and livestock, so much so that I began working on farms back home and studying animal science. Over time, I developed a real interest in policy, and now attempt to research animal economics as frequently as I can. I enjoy matching together conservation agriculture and economics like in my MSc. in Agricultural Economics thesis (November 2023) on integrated crop-livestock systems in the prairies, which included an assessment of potential policy mechanisms that could be matched to the program. I am fortunate to have opportunities with the research team that allow me to further merge my interests further.

I was first introduced to the team and SAIFood back in 2016 as one of Dr. Smyth’s students (with my student blog humbly published that year). I then became more officially linked to the research team as a summer student, and later as a full-time research assistant in August 2022. Working with everyone has allowed me to investigate so many amazing avenues of agriculture. Whether it be with research opportunities into biotechnology and consumer perceptions, the Forage Rotation Survey, or writing some of the blogs you see on this site, I’m excited to explore more with the team in the coming years!

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