Summer 2019 – Let the Grillin’ and Chillin’ Begin
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Summer 2019 – Let the Grillin’ and Chillin’ Begin

It’s officially summer and we at SAIFood would like to wish you a pleasant summer (let’s hope for our producer audience, this means more rain, high yields, and fewer weeds). Regardless of your profession, we hope you are able to find time to kick back, put up your feet and enjoy summer. The one good thing about summer is having a relaxing time to enjoy some of our favourite foods, be it that perfectly grilled steak, plant protein burger, garden fresh veggies, just picked berries or that chilled beer or robust red wine. There is something about eating food outdoors that makes it taste just that little bit better, whether it is at a family get together, a picnic or roasting a marshmallow over a campfire. We will all be enjoying products of agriculture and farming in one way or another.

This year has been a busy one for us, SAIFood has published over 40 blogs since the start of last September. We will be taking a break from writing and published blogs for the next two months. While we may not be writing new blogs, we will be out and about, talking to people from all aspects of agriculture, picking up ideas for new blogs for the fall. In the meantime, feel free to write a comment on SAIFood, shoot us an email or Tweet us, and let us know what you would like to hear about from us this coming fall.

Our blogging hiatus has begun, but our summer will keep us busy with other projects, such as writing research grant proposals for the fall, catching up on the reading and reviewing of graduate student thesis’ in hoped for fall defenses, finalizing recently presented conference papers for journal publication consideration, and not to forget prepping for the 2019/20 school year. We will be taking some afternoon research excursions for ice cream, BBQ hamburgers and barley by-products. In July, we hope to bump into some friendly faces as we tour the 5th annual Ag in Motion, and be inspired with new blog topics.

Wherever your summer plans take you, we wish safe travels and good eating! Have a fantastic summer and we look forward to connecting with you again in September.


Stuart, Savannah and Chelsea

Summer break for SAIFood

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