7 years of SAIFood & more to come
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7 years of SAIFood & more to come

Thanks for your time & support over the year!

Wow, the time has flown by! It has been seven years since Stuart and I launched SAIFood with our first post to welcome you all to SAIFood. The next week, we kicked off SAIFood with our first blog on research (Human Health Benefits of Genetically Modified Flax Oil), and since then we have just kept on posting. It’s all been possible thanks to you, our readers. Without your support and interest, this little blog would have ended much sooner. But we are so glad that over the past seven years we have been able to keep sharing the research that we see cross our desks and which we think is something worth a few minutes of your time to read about.

Not only is it you the audience that keeps us motivated and going, but it is also Stuart! Before SAIFood, Stuart was passionate about sharing his research and that of what he saw around him. From his experience, he knew that the scientific information that he was seeing and receiving as a Researcher & Professor at the University of Saskatchewan was important and yet it wasn’t always reaching the larger and broader audience. This is no knock of researchers, as getting the word out to the public on your research is a much larger job than one might think, and that is why often great research isn’t always making it to your dinner table conversation. This was what sparked his drive to get SAIFood up and running under his newly formed chair. Our goal soon became to share some of the research we were doing and the research we were reading about daily but sharing it in the form of a short understandable blog. Since that time, we have been working to share journal articles, events, policies, and issues and presenting them in what is hopefully short digestible blogs of information.

So far, it has been a great time sharing weekly posts from Stuart, our team, and of course his amazing undergraduate students. It’s not always fun or easy, but it is a good challenge that keeps us busy and always on the look for topics to share with you. Having finished my Masters in Agriculture Economics, and taking a research position with Stuart, I would have never thought I would be editing a blog weekly and doing so for seven years.

But I am so glad I am. As every week I am learning something new, some weeks I find I am challenging my own opinions, and others I am eagerly editing away on a topic I am passionate about. It’s not always positive vibes while working from home during a pandemic, having internet issues, or having to deal with general issues of running a blog, but it is all worth the mild headaches when you get to work with an amazing boss like Stuart who supports your creative license and always embraces your feedback, whether it is positive or not.

So, I would like to thank you once more for taking the time out of your week to spend a few minutes checking out our small corner of the web, reading our weekly posts, posting your comments and ideas, and sharing our content with others via social media. I hope if you have made it this far into this post, you let us know what topics you would like us to post on in the coming year, I would love to hear what interests you! 

Thanks again for your support, and as always, happy reading!

Savannah Gleim

Gif of SAIFood Thanks for 7 years of support

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