Seeking Plant Breeding Experts
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Seeking Plant Breeding Experts

Survey on regulation of new plant breeding techniques

Since the Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2009 challenge on how to feed the world in 2050, there have been many forms of responses. There have been increases in research project funding, increased partnerships between the developed and developing, and the application of new plant breeding techniques to staple crop commodities and numerous other crop types. Over the past decade, the speed and diversity of innovation in plant breeding has rapidly increased, resulting in the need for new regulatory processes, and changes to existing processes. To better understand how regulation, commercialization and the adoption of new technology are influenced by stakeholder risk preferences, a group of academics which I am a part of is launching a multi-year survey on risk, risk preferences, and risk aversion. From this survey, we hope to determine how these factors affect the efficiencies of regulatory policy and decision-making.

We are currently seeking survey participants who are experts (scientists, economists, regulators, entrepreneurs, etc.) in risk and biotechnology to take part in our multi-year study of risks associated with regulatory processes as they relate to risk assessment of existing and future novel breeding techniques at an international level. With specific interest towards risk perceptions on how new breeding techniques will be regulated and the resulting impacts that might enhance global food security.

The survey objective is to investigate risk preferences regarding innovation and new technology applications in the agri-food industry among knowledgeable experts. In particular, how the concept of provenance might affect risk choices, e.g. whether technology is being provided by a public university versus a multinational corporation.

Increasing participation is important because it enables the research to measure the similarities and differences among various stakeholders to better understand political and regulatory processes with respect to innovations in plant breeding. To help improve the world’s food security, it is crucial that we have a better understanding of how risk affects the regulation of new plant breeding techniques. This will allow us to better inform plant breeders as to how specific plant breeding technologies might be regulated in specific countries. Our 20-minute survey will be sent out quarterly over the next three years. We would like to get as many people as possible involved as is possible, so if you are interested in participating please contact me by filling out the form below and I will send you the link to participate in our survey. Alternatively, someone you may know might be interested in participating, if this is the case, please forward this to them and encourage them to contact me.

Your participation and sharing of this survey appreciated!

Thank you,

Stuart Smyth, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor & Research Chair in Agri-Food Innovations
   Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics
    College of Agriculture and Bioresources
    University of Saskatchewan
    Office 3D68- 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon SK
    Tel: (306) 966-2929

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